Wednesday 2 November 2016

The beauty of the island Sempu Saplings Segara Malang

Malang is one of the towns in East Java, the city is located on a plateau and surrounded by Malang, the city is also famous for its natural beauty such as mountains, riverscoban (waterfalls) and much more.

One of the natural beauty that is located in the village of Tambakrejo Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang Regency, sempu island its name, to head for the island sempu from Malang trip traveled approximately 3 hours, heading to the beach Blue Spring, following up on the beach Blue Spring the traveller must be crossing the sea using small ships with a travel time of approximately 15 minutes to the crossroads of the Bay of ants , after arriving in the Bay of ants in the continue on foot headed to segara chicks with travel time 30 minutes depending on the condition of the terrain in the wet season can be up to 2 hours for a trip on the muddy field conditions karenakan and muddy.

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Immediately after arriving in the exotic pemnadangan saplings will welcome, beautiful islands and crystal clear sea water is stuck in the island, this is why at the segara sea water puppies named who went through a hole in a cliff called Holey reef, the traveller can also swim at the Segara Segara Saplings around the Lake segara saplings, but need to note if the create traveler not to swim around corals bolong in karenakan where the water goes into the segara saplings danger will it comes in a sea of outflow swept up off the southern coast.

In addition to the beauty of the Segara Saplings there is also a spot that could see the sea from the cliff top location is still in the area, the road to saplings segara spotis not difficult, on top of the cliffs the traveler can take pictures and enjoy the sea waves on the cliffs of the South coast and see the edge of the surf Reef Bolong from the height.

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Need to be in the know for the traveller on the island many of tropical luansnya trees tumbuhi 877 acres, the island is a nature reserve in the manage by (BKSDA) conservation of natural resources in East Java, the island sempu began officially recognized as a nature reserve since 1926, sempu Island has many types of ecosystems include mangrove forests, coastal plants and the expanse of the tropical forests in the lowlands dominate the entire island sempu.

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